We started sodding the fairways on July 29th, and here we are a little over two weeks later and have hit the half way mark of about 600,000 square feet. As of today, holes 5-10, 13, 18 & half of #1 are all sodded. We anticipate having nearly every fairway sodded by next Saturday!
We have also started removing the collars from the North greens, and re-capturing lost pin positions on the greens. Once all of the collars are stripped and graded for sod, we will install the new turf. We are also constructing a temporary green on #12 that will get us through the next few months until the new green is ready for play. Next week we will also begin work on #12 green complex.
We have also now removed the ryegrass from all of the roughs and are beginning the process of growing the bermuda in. We will be aerifying, fertilizing and watering a lot to get everything to fill in completely.
Growing in the rough to bermuda |
Expansion of the green on #2 North |
18 Fairway sodded |