Friday, August 24, 2012

Upcoming Improvement Projects

We will be starting more improvement projects next week.  We are going to replace sections of broken cartpaths on the South Course.  On Monday, we will be removing the broken section on 14 South and replacing it.  After that is complete, we have two sections on #2 South and a large section by the driving range tees to complete.

After Labor Day, we will be grading and sodding another section of fairway on #13 North.  We are also going to re-sod behind the range tees where it gets really worn out.  We also tested out a machine used to remove old turf and prepare the area for new sod (for use on future projects).  We ran the test on the side of the top range tee.  We will be re-sodding that area next week as well.

Finally, now that the weather is back to normal, we are working aggressively to get the greens rolling back to normal.  We verticut and topdressed the greens this past week and on Monday we will be doing another application along with spraying growth regulators to help improve green speed.  

Broken section to be replaced going to the range.

#2 tee South.

We are going to add a cart turn-out here on #2 South where carts park after they hit their drive.

#14 South