Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Course Updates

It looks like the heat might be finally letting up this week.  It has been a struggle to keep poa annua greens healthy and rolling good when it has been in the high 90's to 100's every day!  Our final tally was 15 straight days of temps into the high 90's with 9 straight days of temps that reached 100 degrees!  That is by far the longest heat spell like that we have hit in my time here.  The only green that has really struggled in the heat has been 4 South.  Historically, this has been a tough green because it is back in the corner of all of the trees and native areas and doesn't get a good breeze moving through. 

Yesterday, with the course closed, we punched that green with small tines and had all of the trees surrounding it trimmed to allow air to move through.  This should make a huge difference and we will have the green back to normal very soon.

The other greens we have already started verticutting, topdressing and rolling now that the heat is letting up.  I hope to get our normal green speeds back by the weekend.  Thanks for your patience the past week or so while the greens were a little slower than normal. 

I am also very excited to announce that we are scheduling cartpath replacement in several areas of the golf course.  We will be replacing the path down to the range, the broken path on 14 South and several other small areas of broken or lifted cartpaths. 

We will also be re-paving the driveway down to the cart staging area and the path to the upper range tee on Monday morning. 

The sod on #3 fairway was laid on Friday and we will start planning out our next section.

#4 Green.  This green sits back in the trees which prevent it from getting a good breeze to help keep it cool.  It takes a 4 mph breeze to significantly cool a green in this heat.

This is a picture of the holes left behind from the small tines we punched this green with.

The tree trimming we did yesterday will help allow the breeze to get to this green.