Thursday, May 10, 2012

Current Updates

As the weather has turned from a constant drizzle last week to nearly perfect days this week, we are struggling to keep up with the growing grass.  We are running 5 rough mowers and two sweepers (used to vacuum up clippings) a day to try and keep the courses clean.  We should have the South finished today and the North completed by tomorrow afternoon.  We are going to continue to keep rough mowers working through the weekend to stay on top of them prior to our Windmill Invitational next week.

The green speeds are also returning back to normal this week.  With the rain last week, the greens had gotten wet and puffy and speeds had slowed way down.  We verticut and topdressed the greens this week, and speeds have been much better this week.

You may also notice that we expanded the cartpaths on #2 North and behind the green on #14 North.  This improvement was driven by the golf committee to help improve the flow of traffic in these tight areas.  Also driven from the golf committee, was the expansion of the ladies tee on #3 South.  This improvement was to help move the tee away from all of the trees on the right side of the hole.  We also started laying sod on a couple of the tees that have struggled this winter from foot traffic (#4, #10 North).  We also laid sod along the left side of #6 green on the North to help add some grass area before the hazard line starts. 

The final improvement this week is the replacement of all of the flowers at the clubhouse.  Spring is here, we are freshening up the clubhouse landscape, pruning all of the plants, trimming the trees at the pool and trying to keep up with the grass that is growing like crazy!