As you may recall, we had previously communicated our intention to move forward with some specific projects on the golf courses. We are now scheduled to begin two of these improvements on September 15.
Hole #15 North-Green
We will start by removing the existing surface, then grading and shaping the space that will become the new 15th green and bunker complex. It will be located back 25 yds. from its original position and shifted to the left, as well as expanded to approximately 6,500 sq. ft. A large bunker will protect the left front portion of the green and a smaller one will be placed on the right.
The expectation is to have the work completed within 3-4 weeks from our start date and hope to have the green reopened for play in mid January 2015 depending on how the new turf grows in. A temporary green will be installed during construction so the hole can remain open. The exact location is still being finalized.
Tee Box Leveling
This will take place in conjunction with the other project, but will only take about 7-10 days to complete once we begin. As of now, we are planning on 15,000 sq. ft. of tee improvement and are determining exactly which areas will be addressed. More specific information will follow soon.