As much as I hate this heat and humidity, this is the perfect growing environment for bermuda grass and is nothing but helpful to our North construction project. Although we were delayed this week on receiving sod due to the flooding in the desert, we will complete sodding of all fairways tomorrow. We will also complete the sodding of the collars, and will be sodding the tee complex on #11 on Tuesday. We have been mowing about half of the fairways already, and are bringing them down to normal height.
Our focus for the next few weeks is getting the roughs filled in and the details completed throughout the golf course. Once again, our goal is to get the North roughs converted to bermuda and finally stop overseeding to ensure great summer playing conditions. #12 greens complex is moving along nicely, and the new green is a major improvement to the hole. At this point, we have adjusted our target opening date for the North back to September 27th.
Once the North Course is complete and open, we will begin our work on the South. We will start with the demolition of the green complex on #5, and will work on areas in the roughs as well. With 100% of the play on the South Course right now, we are trying to minimize work and disturbance on that golf course. Our long term goal is to convert the South roughs to 100% bermuda as well to eliminate all summer transition issues on that course. While closed for South aerification and overseeding, we also plan to level and re-sod the blue tee on #3, the gold tee on #16 and the blue/gold/black tee on #15. The staff has also been working on trimming the willows growing in the creek crossings on holes 3,7,14, & 15. That work should be completed by Tuesday.
Sand has been added to the new tees on #11 and they will be sodded on Tuesday. |
Shaping of the new bunker on #12 green. |
The new floor of the 12th green. |
Leveling and re-sodding of the blue tee on #18 North. |