As of today, both courses are now open to cart traffic. The following holes will remain paths only:
North #'s 3, 9, 13 & 18
South #'s 2, 7, 11 & 13
The North greens are now completely recovered from aerification and are rolling great. The South greens are nearly recovered from aerification. The speeds are great on the South, but there are some lingering aerification holes.
We have been touching seed on both courses. We are using a machine that cuts the seed into these areas and then we are placing a layer of compost on top of the seed to help with germination.
The drains on the small fairway bunker on #10 North have been fixed. The bunker and the surrounding area drain well and we will be re-sodding this area next week.
Finally, we will be fertilizing both golf courses to really green up the new seed. We are going to fertilize the Monday following Thanksgiving. Next week, the courses will be extremely busy and it will be difficult to mow and tackle any major projects.