North course aerification is complete and is healing up quickly. By next weekend, the greens and fairways should be back to normal. During the closure we were able to continue some of our drainage issues. We repaired areas on 8,10 & 12 north and holes 7 and 12 on the south. This should help dry up some of our wet areas
Pump station has been installed as well as the electrical panel. Waiting on Edision to upgrade our transformer to be able to operate the additional pumps.
Tees were overseeded on the north. The paint markings on the tee boxes were used as an indicator to reduce the risk of skips when using a drop seeder. The tee markers themselves will remain in the same locations which will allow for less damage on the tees during the germination process. Once the seed germinates and we begin to start mowing the tees, we will start rotating the tee markers like we normally do
Sodding on both courses will continue over the next few weeks. Please keep your carts and foot traffic off the newly laid sod. These areas will be extremely wet until the sod begins to root.