We are still in the process of scalping areas in fairways on both the north and south. Although it may look unsightly, the results are improving the playability of both courses. Most of the puffiness has improved, although we still have a long way to go in order to get all our fairways somewhat consistent.
The current weather patterns of being hot for a few days and then cool hasn’t helped our ability to grow much bermuda grass or recover in the areas that have been scalped. One week we are in the 90’s and the bermuda starts to actively grow and green up, then the next week it cools down and the bermuda goes a little off color. Fertilizing heavy this week in hopes of forcing some growth with next weeks warm up.
The additional motors for the north pump station as well as a new transformer for power has finally been approved. This process will take 2-3 months for completion and we are hoping to see a significant improvement with our irrigation system once completed. I will provide updates once installation begins.
New trash cans have been installed on both golf courses with lids so the birds can no longer remove the trash. These lids are a little tight but should loosen up over time. New water cooler stands have been ordered and will arrive within the coming weeks.