In an attempt to improve the aesthetics on the north course, we are participating in a new program called Operation Pollinator. This program is a global initiative that started in Europe more than 12 years ago and has expanded across the U.S. in the last several years. A company called Syngenta has been working with scientists at the University of Florida, Michigan State University and the University of California, Davis, to determine what types of flowering plants can be grown successfully to help restore native pollinators in landscapes like golf courses by creating essential habitats.
The area we have chosen to test this project is below the tee boxes on #4 where there is nothing but mulch. Signs have been installed to designate the location and we have seeded this area with a specific type of wildflower mixture that is suitable for our climate. With time, the wildflowers will germinate and provide a landscape to attract native bees and other pollinators. If the project is successful, we are hoping to continue the wildflower mixture throughout the golf course to help enhance the course aesthetically as well as provide a natural ecosystem for pollinating insects.