Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Golf Update

Over the past week, we received 2.5 inches of rain and more is in the forecast this Thursday night into Friday. Depending on rain totals during each event throughout this winter, we will be asking you from time to time to remain on cart-paths only. This will help reduce issues from cart traffic, which is very evident along the cart-paths especially on the north where we have no curbs. We would like to thank you in advance for your adherence to this policy.

The 15th green on the north is progressing as anticipated. I don’t foresee us having any problems with opening this green by the middle of January.

Collars on the north have been seeded with a cool season grass to help eliminate the issues of poa encroachment and the problems that occurred last winter. The idea of having bermudagrass collars was a nice idea but is unrealistic due to the lack of tools available to keep our collars clean of cool season grasses without damaging the greens. Seed germination will be slow but I am hoping to see results within the next month. In addition, we will be applying a herbicide to remove a majority of the cool season grasses that has started to appear in the approaches.

The 13th fairway on the south will need to be cart-path only for the time being due to the bermudagrass thinning from salt related issues and compaction from carts where the fairway bottlenecks next to the bunker. The problem areas will continue to decline unless we keep as much traffic off as possible.

On behalf of my team, I would like to thank you for your support and assistance in our ongoing efforts to improving playability and overall conditions. Stay tuned for next weeks update on our course conditions and all that is golf!

Shane Roth
Director of Golf Course Operations