Tuesday, December 30, 2014


COOTS!! Rory our Border Collie has been very successful with the geese but no impact on keeping the coots away from our property. Once he leaves the coot’s feeding frenzy continues.

 Typically, coot damage has been more of an issue along the roughs and collars yet this year we are experiencing a lot of damage on greens especially hole #12 on the south.

 Not sure which direction to go from here. A depredation permit can be applied for but only a certain percentage of coots can be eliminated and disposing of them becomes an issue as well. Many deterrents have been tried although the coot’s behavior hasn’t been altered. One method we haven’t tried is green lasers at night. It supposedly disturbs their behavior and if they don’t have any shelter they will leave. Our lakes that have cattails might provide the shelter they need, but we will test the lake on #11 north first. If you live on the course and you see green lights shining on the lakes don’t be alarmed it’s the maintenance staff. 

Additionally, I’ve contacted a company out of Michigan in hopes of helping us resolve our issue and waiting on them to provide me support on how to successfully use their products, which are labeled for eradicating coots. Not going to hold my breath, but hopefully they will have some answers.

 If not, the plan will be to start feeding with chicken scratch in selected areas in an effort to keep the coots away from our greens. A few superintendents have been successful with this method, although the coots will still remain on property.


Shane Roth
Director of Golf Course Operations