The teeing grounds on the North Course, which were recently overseeded, will be mowed to normal heights beginning today. While the seed was germinating, the tee markers where kept in the same locations to allow the rest of the turf to grow in. Going forward, we will be moving the markers on a regular basis to ensure consistent quality of the hitting areas.
Preparation of the South Course for overseed continues this week with some scalping of roughs. Every effort will be made to clean up clippings and other debris in a timely manner. As a reminder, the course will close October 15 and be reopened for play October 28.
As far as the two continuing projects on the North Course:
Hole #15 Green: the areas around the actual putting surface and bunker complex (commonly referred to as “greens surrounds”) will be sodded today. The green itself will be grassed by the middle of next week. At that point the actual construction portion will be completed and the process of growing in and developing the new turf will begin.
Hole #16: The fill in and shaping of the area on the left side in front of the green is nearly done and the new sod is expected to be laid in the next several days. Once this is finished, there will be a 7-10 day “knit in” period before this is opened for play.