Thursday, January 30, 2014

Course Updates

  • Aerification- North course will be closed for green's and tee's aerification on February 10-13th (Monday - Wednesday). During this time, a core will be pulled and topdressing will be applied to fill the holes.  Some of the problem areas on greens should heal up nicely once the aerification process is completed
  • New Green #12 North- the goal for this green is to allow play on it once the north course opens up from aerification. This green will be aerified as well so it should be somewhat consistent with the other greens once we open the course for play. The bare areas from cart traffic to the temporary green will be repaired with sod.
  •  Bunkers- Yes, I know the bunkers are an issue.(inconsistent, rocks, lack of sand or too much sand)  Each Monday, when the course is closed for play, we are trying to improve our bunkers. I'm hoping over the next few months you will start to see a difference in the playability in a majority of the bunkers. Not an easy task, but we are working on it
  • Driving Range- In order for us to do a better job of maintaining the turf conditions, we are attempting to close the range 45 minutes before dusk. This will allow my staff to work on it each night verses only allowing us to work on Mondays. With your help, I'm confident we can improve your experience at the practice facility.