Last week, the South Course was overseeded and the greens were aerified and topdressed. The process went very smoothly and greens will be looking good for our opening on the 29th. The plugs from that aerification were taken over to #5 South and spread there to be used to grow in the new green. This process has been used here many times at Coto and most recently was used to begin the grow in process of #12 North green. Overseeding and Aerification is a big process and takes a lot of effort on the part of the staff to get completed in a reasonable amount of time. However, we have also been very busy on the North Course.
The green on #12 has been coming along very nicely and we have begun to mow it this week. No small milestone for this process. We have also been continually getting the North back into shape after the reinvention project. This past week alone, the team has edged and cleaned all the bunkers. Pushed sand up on the faces of those bunkers that were thin, and have made a big push in seeding and covering the areas in the rough that are lacking. Below is a picture of a finished bunker.
Edged buker with sand on face |
Prepped walk on |
Walk on ready for DG path |
I personally would like to thank all the members for their support during this transitional period and hope that we can make a big difference here at Coto in the next couple of weeks. I will be adding more posts and pictures to the blog as the days go by showing you the improvement that is being made daily on your golf courses.
Frank Tedescucci