All of the seed was put out on the North last Monday and Tuesday. We already have seen most of it germinate and it is coming up really nicely. If we can get through these next couple days of heat without injury, we will be right on schedule! We have aerified the back 9 greens of the North, but held up on the rest of them until this heat goes away. Greens are extremely vulnerable to damage when they are aerified, and we didn't want to put them at risk.
The South roughs are being lowered this week. You may see some areas with grass clippings, we will be cleaning them up all week. Next week we will prep the tees and bunker surrounds prior to closing the course.
The range is scheduled to open tomorrow. We are going to open the top tee only on Tuesday through Thursday. Beginning Friday, we will have mats and the top tee open for member use. The bottom tees will open once the overseed is strong enough to handle use.