Thursday, October 11, 2012

Course Updates

Overseed on the North is behind us and now we are continuing to work on improving the golf course.  The small amount of rain we got today will certainly help, but our crew's efforts will start to really show in the next week. 

Right now, each new ryegrass plant is a single stick of grass.  We have sprayed a growth regulator and fertilizers that will force that single stick to turn into a big, multi-leaf plant.  Once this process takes place, the density of our overseed will greatly improve and the thin areas will disappear.  You can see in the picture below, stages of new ryegrass seed development.

We are also working on sodding the cartpath edges on the North and will be installing turn-outs in the next couple of weeks along some of the tee boxes.  These high traffic areas will have a new area for carts to park at and will prevent the large dirt areas around the tees.  An example of one of these areas is pictured below.

The South Course will close on Monday.  We will overseed the tees and roughs and will also aerify the greens, remove bermuda from the greens, trim trees, clean out lakes and aerify the fairways.  The South will re-open on October 27th.